

As I haven't been posting in a while here a short update/ biography of what I've been doing:

Salina van Miert is young, new, talented menswear and womenswear designer. She graduated from a tailoring education in 2012, with her first collection ''Human Body'''. This collection has been showed on MAFB fashion competition and from this she gained a PR contract with Stravagante PR.

After graduating she studied at VIA Design + Business in Denmark. During this education she launched her second collection; ''Molecules and Atoms'' (2014).

Salina believes garments are way more than clothing. The garments are telling the story of which what is currently on her mind. She is fascinated by the simple things in life, which she believes are beautiful. Things we normally take for granted and not consider interesting, but in her opinion they are.

Recently launched her first menswear collection ''Ghost Fish'' and currently working on her graduate project which will be launched in December.

Soon I will post a article about the event Salone della Moda where I've been presenting my new menswear collection!

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